Borneo HolidaysKalimantanSabahSarawakTravelWildlife and Nature

Best time to visit Borneo

Best time to visit Borneo

The wet season in Borneo is usually during November to March, when the northeast monsoon is blowing. The dry season in Borneo starts normally in April, with Sarawak being the furthest west coming out first. Temperatures are high during the whole year with average temperatures above 25 degrees celsius. Humidity in Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan and Brunei is high during the whole year.

Best time to travel to Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan and Brunei is during the dry season. However due to climate change rain can be expected during any time of the year. During the summer months the air quality may suffer due to forest fires. Transport may be difficult during the dry season due to the low water level in some rivers and therefore some villages, longhouses and interesting sights inland may be difficult to reach.

Changes in Weather

In recent years there had been more rainfall during the dry season.



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